Assalamuailaikum Blooogiess... ohhh my..its quite long time not to write something in this blogg.. BTW, its ok I have a time, BUT..pali-pali (cepat3) because I have limit time xcually to do sooo..hahaha Ok, first of all... Alhamdulillah for everything.. second of all... In previous day ago, Saya just thinking about to continue my study for next level after this level (master)..not only my study, thinking about my family also..about a married, its like opportunity cost to give up for a while..I'm sorry :( Now, my family is priority..they need me..really sorry :( third of all... a lot of thing happened in my life...and I'm a little bit confuse it..the question is WHY??always in my mind and absolutely I dont know that a particular answer.. But, I just keep in my mind that what happend in your life, you must take it and face it..its part of your life rite..Allah sedang menguji kamu, remember that..!!! and I;m sure, pasti ada hikmah disebalik ya...
Me just ordinary person BUT full of journey in my life !